Sitting here in my breakfast room, savoring a second cuppa, Charlie is impatiently waiting for the morning walk. He’s always in it for himself, the tail wag and lopsided grin are a red herring covering up his real opinion of us. The mornings are so cold we use the excuse that it will chill his feet if he goes out before the sun warms the road. I have spent the past few days getting into the 2015 mindset, like most other people; putting away the Christmas finery, and putting the house back into its normal condition.


The holidays were great, with family arriving for a Danish Christmas feast on the 22nd. I had made several Danish dishes, such as frikadeller, a meal patty, a ton of cookies, and a number of side dishes. The decorations went low-key this year, suitable for a country-style celebration. Santa and his sleigh ran down the center of the long table, with an army of nutcrackers at his rear, and a hand carved farm scene on the buffet.

Unfortunately, I awoke that morning with an ugly eye infection which took us to the ER. I have become quite friendly with the staff there, as 2014 took me there to celebrate my birthday. They even wrote “Happy Birthday” on the large schedule board in the room to make me feel at home. You can’t ask for more. But this eye infection was so bad the resident ER doctor sent me to the ophthalmologist in the afternoon, just as the party was to begin. Fortunately our two daughters are expert party-givers, so they took over while we were gone. Now that’s the way to give a party!

I gave Dr. Advice an iPad for Christmas, even though he is not computer literate (yet). The battery function seemed slow so we took it to the Apple store, which is a most interesting operation. First of all, if the product is so wonderful, why are there so many people waiting in line for hours to get them fixed? You obtain an appointment online, but when you arrive, there are great numbers of people seemingly with the same appointment.

Once fixed, I was asked to put in his ID and password, which was a good idea, except I forgot to bring the paper I wrote it on. After spending 3 hours to get that far, we left and went out for lunch.

I never make New Year’s Resolutions because I would break them by January 2nd, but to those who do make them, good luck. We all need a certain amount of introspection if only to make us try harder.

The weather has warmed, my coffee has cooled, and Charlie is still doing his Jack Russell best to go for his walk. See you later.

Author: kaytisweetlandrasmussen83

I am a retired fine arts teacher, sculptor/painter, writer, and a native Californian. I love my family,dogs, horses, movies, reading and music, probably in that order. I have been married forever to a very nice man who is nice to old ladies, dogs and children.


  1. I take it your eye infection has been given a talking to, and is going, if not gone. Otherwise, you might not be chatting with us here.

    Apart from all that, your Christmas sounds wonderful. I saved baking my favorite Swedish cookies until Christmas eve, so they would be fresh and crisp when I took them to our gathering on Christmas day. Unfortunately, Christmas eve found me laundering my cell phone. Finding a sodden black lump of electronics at the bottom of my washer wasn’t on my to-do list. Suffice it to say all was resolved, thanks to the fact that I had an extra old phone,and the Verizon elves were still working Christmas eve. Bless them.

    I read the most interesting “flip” of the resolution phenomenon the other day. A young woman has made a list of things NOT to do, like twist her hair when she’s conversing with people. Her half-dozen resolutions all were concrete, and achievable. As she said, as soon as she doesn’t twist her hair, even one time, she’s already on the path to success. Interesting.

    I’d heard things were a little cool out there. We’re getting our first real cold snap later this week, but today was lovely. I got outside to work for the first time in over two weeks — the holidays and the weather having put a crimp in things.

    Here’s to a year of ending up where we should be, whether we intended it or not!


    1. I thought of you making your Swedish spritz cookies. I have somehow lost my machine so they were not on the table. I saw them at Bed Bath and Beyond though so I’m getting a new one for $30.

      Sorry about your cell phone—reminds me of the time on the boat wwhen a friend threw her jacket back onb the fan tail and her phone was in it. She was expecting a call from her sister, so we all had fun imagining the fishes having a conversation with her sister.

      Warmer here today and I think we need to put the water back on. Everything looks pretty bad right now. But we’ll get there in the Spring!


  2. I am SO happy to see this blog post which means that your eye can see the small print. Hooray! I will brag a bit and share that the Judge and I attended your splendid party. You looked ravishing in your sunglasses…the daughters were the perfect hostesses.

    Happy New Year!


  3. Happy New Year, Kayti. Interesting Christmas! Good you weren’t counting on a post-lunch nap.

    Your living room looks wonderful with the plate and the painting, and the chairs with their sashes. Very inviting.


    1. Happy New Year Narelle. This is really my breakfast room. I’m glad you like the plate, I once did a series using the girl on her pony, though much smaller in size. Those chairs BYW are antique potty chairs! Many years ago I read an article about Bette Davis which said she had a small collection of them in her living room, and with her quirky sense of humor invited stuffy guests to sit before she informed them about what they were! Ours just sit quietly in the breakfast room, behaving themselves.


  4. Happy New Year! Your story reminds me of the first Christmas my daughter prepared the meal instead of having it done by mom. I was suffering from a sprained leg part and stayed in place on the couch. Daughter went back and forth from couch to kitchen and I gave instructions bit by bit, while she carried them out. It worked out surprisingly well. Let’s hear it for daughters!


    1. They learn more than we give them credit for don’t they? When our youngest was still at home she and I did international dinners each Sunday which were so much fun. When she married and left home, I was surprised when I planned a large dinner party and realized I had to do it all alone! I had to get myself organized pretty fast. You do get into a system though don’t you? Happy New Year to you!


  5. A PHOTO of Charlie ! – wunderbar ! Gives me much pleasure, Katy: I love Jack Russells !
    But I’m upset to hear about your poor eye; would be less so were you to say either that it’s better or that it’s on the way to being so …
    As for Apple. PFUH !


    1. I passed along your comment to Charlie and he gave me his toothy grin. He very much thrives on praise. He is spending today in his “hotel” since we are having a new driveway put in. The noise would completely unhinge either him or us!

      Yes, my eye seems to be much better although Dr. A. says there is still “something” there which shouldn’t be. I simply don’t have the time to put hot compresses on it all day, so it will have to do the rest on its own.

      Liked by 1 person

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