Audrey Mabee
Painting by Audrey Mabee

I have long hoped that the amount of energy we apply to every endeavor would reward us with the same amount we spent. I should have known better. After all, we don’t receive the same amount of money back after blowing a week’s salary on a frivolous purchase. However, suppose we donated that money to a worthy charity, or helped someone achieve a goal which had been illusive? That “energy” would come flowing back.

It’s a known fact that you “use it, or lose it,” and I seem to have misplaced my muscles in the past couple of years. We like to blame other things for our shortcomings, and I have been happy to blame other things on my lack of endeavor in the exercise department. Like Audrey Mabee’s painting, I have been floating and having a great time.

There is a new book out about the value of “tidying up”, so I thought I would give it a try.

Is scrubbing the kitchen floor considered exercise? After all, it does entail energy.