Piles of milo

You only have to know one thing; you can learn anything. It’s amazing what we don’t know, but comforting to know that there is so much we can still learn.

Colorful milo grain lies in orderly piles on the Kansas plains, confounding the uninformed as to just what they are. Tiny beads of gold and saffron fall in random design after the harvest, ready to serve as fodder.

Seeing the fabulous photos taken by Shoreacres prompted the return of my paintbrush, for how can one resist mountains of red, orange and yellow lying where Mother Nature put no mountains.

Author: kaytisweetlandrasmussen83

I am a retired fine arts teacher, sculptor/painter, writer, and a native Californian. I love my family,dogs, horses, movies, reading and music, probably in that order. I have been married forever to a very nice man who is nice to old ladies, dogs and children.

9 thoughts on “MILO ONE”

  1. Oh, my gosh! What a great lunchtime treat, and how beautiful it is. I’m not only pleased that my photos inspired you to pick up the paintbrush, I’m really impressed with the result. Your eyes may not be quite as sharp as they once were, but your vision is perfect!


    1. I’m so pleased that you like it. I had a hard time decided which photo to begin the series. One of my daughters loved it and wants it! I said she should wait till she sees the real one, it may not look the same as the computer version. I would never have dreamed of such a thing as milo until your beautiful photos. I’m SO happy you will be doing more photography.


  2. The painting is marvelous and milo is fascinating. I’ve crossed Kansas many times, but have never seen such mountains. Perhaps I’d have to get off I-70! When is the best time to go a-searching for them?


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